The genome of Eastern Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) has been sequenced, but there is much to learn. The most interesting questions is how the plant makes urushiol (pronounced yoo-ROO-shee-all), the compound in Poison Ivy sap that causes contact dermatitis. About 85% of people in the US have a severe reaction to urushiol. Can we just agree that the other 15% should be permanently in charge of getting frisbees out of bushes? (71 words)
The Bob
I really enjoy The Bob, the newsletter from cartoonist, Bob Eckstein - lots of great cartoons by Bob and others as well as interviews and insights. It’s a master class in humor writing.
Hold That Thought
This cartoon was recently published in Hold That Thought: 12 Cartoonists and Their Worlds of Humor (Less Words Press, 2023). The book is really funny. I’m proud to be part of it!